
A socially minded standard of behaviour is expected from everyone within the motorsport community. We all have a responsibility to follow the values of the Race with Respect Code of Conduct, embodying respect, integrity, fair play, self-control, and good manners.

As a competitor, I agree to demonstrate RESPECT by:

  • Treating everyone with respect regardless of their gender, ethnic or social background, language, religious or other beliefs, disability, sexual identity, or status.
  • Being polite and respectful to all staff, officials, competitors, volunteers, as well as fans and Supporters.
  • Never engaging in or tolerating offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour.
  • Respecting all official, competitors, team mates, competitors from other teams and all other participants.

 As a competitor, I agree to demonstrate INTEGRITY by:

  • Always taking part to the best of my ability.
  • Behaving responsibly.
  • Raising concerns when something isn’t right and reporting any incidents of bullying to an Officer of the club or to Motorsport UK.

 As a competitor, I agree to demonstrate FAIR PLAY by:

  • Respecting the rules and regulations, decisions, and authority of the officials.
  • Not cheating.
  • Not breaking or bending the rules

 As a competitor, I agree to demonstrate SELF CONTROL by:

  • Always speaking to other competitors with respect.
  • Always being considerate of others and appreciating that everyone has a different level of skill and talent.
  • Taking responsibility for my behaviour and the way I speak to other people.


As a competitor, I agree to demonstrate GOOD MANNERS by:

  • Placing an emphasis on fun and enjoyment, making our sport a friendly and welcoming place to be.
  • Celebrating when I win and being gracious when I lose.

In accordance with regulation 10.1. Motorsport UK reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action for breaches of these codes of conduct. This may include being asked to leave Motorsport UK affiliated activities and being excluded from future activities.